Our Tokenomics
Symbol: 1KISS
Token Type: BEP20
Total Supply: 500.000.000.000
Smart contract addres: 0x7bE04E7e547fa36Ab7aC1de08Ef5e621eE0E26be
Reserved 36.4 %
Reserved with the possibility of burning depends on the developrient of the project
Liquidity 23.6 %
Dedicated to genesis liquidity pools
Marketing 16.4 %
We denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so to beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire.
1KISS Suprises 12.7 %
1Kiss surprises for festive days and special dates.
savings 10.9 %
Reserved for the founders the staff to incrase the aspirations empowered 1Kiss land as well as the development of the project.